Children, Families and Youth

For many children and families, being undocumented means that it’s a struggle to access to schools, health care and decent housing, and living in constant fear of deportation. For teenagers and young adults, it means facing an uncertain future.

We call for systems that put children, youth and family life at the centre, and make their future safe.

Related publications

Read our publications to learn about how migration policies shape our societies and the lives of undocumented people, and how they can be improved.

Children and Families

Stepping up: A collection of projects and practices helping migrant children transition into adulthood

Children and Families

Guidance for policy makers and practitioners on regularisation mechanisms for people transitioning into adulthood

Children and Families

PICUM Analysis: Children’s rights in the 2024 Migration and Asylum Pact

Children and Families

Key aspects of child protection systems that help protect all children from harm

Children and Families

Access to Early Childhood Education and Care for Undocumented Children and Families

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Video library

For children with precarious residence status, turning 18 means losing the rights they held as children and often not having a secure residence permit. Without it, they won't be able to do things like studying, working or getting a driver's license. They might have to leave wherever they were living, and risk becoming homeless. It doesn't have to be like this. We can improve residence permits and develop new ones to prevent children from becoming undocumented adults. Children and young people should be also be prepared and supported through their transition into adulthood. These children are part of our societies. Let’s make their future safe.

A step into the void: the transition to adulthood of migrant children - 02:00

Video library

When governments decide on children’s futures, they should prioritise their rights as children. Our animation illustrates how to assess and act on the best interests of the child in migration procedures, including returns.

Best interests procedures - 02:54

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Children should only be returned when a fair procedure has found it is in the best interests. A best interests procedure for the identification of durable solutions for children in migration should be put in place by all countries.

To play alone - 01:57