
03.06.24 What the EU political manifestos say about migration
29.05.24 “Utterly inhumane” – civil society reacts to Swedish plan to oblige teachers, doctors to denounce undocumented people
27.05.24 New EU Anti-trafficking Directive leaves trafficked people behind 
07.05.24 Joint civil society reaction to the adoption of the EU Directive on combating violence against women and domestic violence
18.04.24 Civil society organisations call on MEPs to uphold fundamental rights and reject harmful Schengen Borders Code recast
12.04.24 Migrant workers: EU Council greenlights measures to reduce dependency on employers
11.04.24 The EU Migration Pact: a dangerous regime of migrant surveillance
11.04.24 European Parliament final vote on Migration Pact foreshadows human rights violations
09.04.24 At least 117 people criminalised for helping migrants in Europe in 2023
04.04.24 A dangerous precedent: how the EU AI Act fails migrants and people on the move
18.03.24 European Parliament improves crime reporting for migrant victims – but fails to fully protect them from immigration enforcement
04.03.24 The EU Must Provide Future-Proof Solutions for People Displaced from Ukraine