Our Members

© Picture: Katja Tähjä
© Picture: Katja Tähjä

We have 160 members that work to advance social justice and human rights of undocumented migrants and to promote humane approaches to migration. The membership expands across 32 countries, primarily based in Europe but also in other regions.

PICUM’s secretariat provides a direct link, through our members, between the grassroots level, where undocumented people’s experience is most visible, and the European level where policies relating to them are deliberated. We work with our members in thematic working groups.

Member organisations include human rights organisations, migrants’ rights organisations, migrant-led and grassroots organisations but also organisations focusing on children’s rights, women’s rights, access to health care, legal aid and access to justice, as well as trade unions and faith-based organisations.

How to become a member

Our membership is open to non-profit and non-governmental organisations working with or for the rights of undocumented migrants and who are committed to PICUM’s vision, mission and values.


Member list


Accem is an NGO that works to improve the living conditions and rights of persons at risk of social exclusion in Spain, in particular migrants.

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ADC Memorial – Anti-Discrimination Centre Memorial

The Anti-Discrimination Centre Memorial Brussels promotes the rights of minorities and marginalised groups and opposes racism, sexism, homophobia and xenophobia in Europe and Central Asia.

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Aditus Foundation advocates for the respect of the human rights of marginalised groups, including undocumented migrants, in Malta. The organisation also offers a legal aid service.

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AESCO – América, España, Solidaridad y Cooperación

AESCO promotes solidarity through development cooperation between Europe and Latin America, and supports migrant inclusion and social action programmes.

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Afghan Association in Sweden

The Afghan Association in Sweden provides services to asylum seekers and undocumented migrants in Sweden.

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Agisra provides social support to women victims of discrimination in Germany, especially migrant and refugee women.

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Anti-Slavery International
United Kingdom

Anti-Slavery International works to end modern slavery through advocacy, capacity-building and campaigns.

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Antirasistisk Senter

The Antiracist Center is an independent foundation that works to combat racism and discrimination in Norway.

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APAV – Asociación en Prevención y Asistencia de la Violencia

APAV assists victims of gender-based violence in Spain, and works for its prevention.

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APAV – Portuguese Association for Victim Support

APAV assists victims of gender-based violence in Portugal, and works for its prevention.

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APDH – Association Promotion Droits Humains

APDH promotes human rights and social inclusion in Geneva, Switzerland, through intercultural dialogue, citizenship programmes, trainings and advocacy.

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Arbeit und Leben

Arbeit und Leben promotes social justice, equal opportunities and solidarity through educational and counselling activities in Germany.

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