Gender Equality

Gender norms and discrimination affect the migration choices, opportunities and experiences of women, men, and non-binary people in different ways, and the realities they face at home, in communities and the workplace.

We call for policies that recognise these impacts and address them so that everyone can move and settle in a safe environment.

Related publications

Read our publications to learn about how migration policies shape our societies and the lives of undocumented people, and how they can be improved.

Gender Equality

Submission to Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls on prostitution and violence against women and girls

Gender Equality

PICUM Red lines for the negotiations on the directive on combating violence against women and domestic violence

Gender Equality

An inclusive gender-responsive approach to migration

Gender Equality

Fact sheet Istanbul Convention: Achieving a world free from violence against all women, regardless of migration status

Gender Equality

What to Know if you’re a Women’s Organisation. Shelter or Service Provider