
20.11.24 New EU ban on forced labour products leaves out migrant workers
24.09.24 What the new Commission means for undocumented migrants
23.09.24 Finland: new draft law bars undocumented people from necessary health care
31.07.24 In Italy, campaigners are fighting immigration detention with doctors
23.07.24 Germany: the fight against obligations to denounce undocumented migrants
15.07.24 Newly leaked EU Council text furthers criminalisation of migration
05.07.24 Joint Statement in Reaction to the Council Position on the Victims’ Rights Directive Revision
04.07.24 New research finds that EU funds digital walls and police dogs at the EU’s borders
25.06.24 Solidarity and justice for undocumented migrants: mobilising against restrictive policies
14.06.24 Ukraine: 130+ civil society groups urge the EU to move beyond temporary protection
10.06.24 Rights groups: After EU elections, fight back for the rule of law starts now 
10.06.24 EU elections: EPP win and far-right gains risk increasing violence and deportation