
31.07.24 In Italy, campaigners are fighting immigration detention with doctors
23.07.24 Germany: the fight against obligations to denounce undocumented migrants
07.12.22 The state of immigration detention in Belgium
13.10.22 Immigration detention in transit zones : what European courts say
03.10.22 Immigration detention and de facto detention: what the law says
13.05.22 Non-Ukrainians fleeing the war met with detention
01.03.22 Barriers to return: protection in international, EU and national frameworks
15.02.22 The new draft Schengen Borders Code risks leading to more racial and ethnic profiling
18.10.21 The EU Migration Pact: Questions and Answers
12.10.21 Between asylum and return, space is closing for residence permits for undocumented migrants
28.09.21 Lithuania: pushbacks, arbitrary detention and restrictions to asylum
27.05.21 The EU strategy on returns: between the devil and the deep blue sea