For undocumented migrants, for
social justice

We work for a world where everyone can enjoy their human rights, whatever their migration status.

© Illustration: Pieter Fannes
© Illustration: Pieter Fannes
Who we are

We are a network of organisations working
to ensure social justice
and human rights for undocumented migrants.

Who we are
Our work areas


Criminal law and other approaches based on sanctions are often used to punish migrants and those who provide them with assistance, and to address phenomena like smuggling, trafficking, and sex work.

This leads to more, not less, harm and suffering. We call for systems that support people instead.

More about Criminalisation

Children, Families and Youth

For many children and families, being undocumented means that it’s a struggle to access to schools, health care and decent housing, and living in constant fear of deportation. For teenagers and young adults, it means facing an uncertain future.

We call for systems that put children, youth and family life at the centre, and make their future safe.

More about Children, Families and Youth

Detention and Deportations

Migration policies are often designed in a way that creates precarity and danger for those with less wealth and privilege, and to punish through detention and deportations those who are unable within the restrictive avenues of regular migration.

We call for systems that are fair and centred around people, and help them navigate migration procedures in the community.

More about Detention and Deportations

Digital Technologies

Digital technology is being used more and more to control, surveil and restrict people in migration and those who help them in ways that reinforce discrimination and inequality, and that undermine safety and trust.

We call for approaches to technology that empower and support, and that centre the needs, rights and perspectives of those most affected.

More about Digital Technologies

Gender Equality

Gender norms and discrimination affect the migration choices, opportunities and experiences of women, men, and non-binary people in different ways, and the realities they face at home, in communities and the workplace.

We call for policies that recognise these impacts and address them so that everyone can move and settle in a safe environment.

More about Gender Equality


For many, being undocumented means having little or no access to health care. It also means living and working in conditions that lead to poorer health.

We call for systems that care for all people, no matter their migration status.

More about Health

Housing and Anti-Poverty

Many undocumented people live in insecure and over-crowded housing, despite often paying exorbitant rent. Many are pushed into homelessness, and often can’t access shelters, food or financial support from the state.

We call for systems that protect all tenants’ rights, provide decent accommodation, food and basic facilities.

More about Housing and Anti-Poverty

Justice and Policing

Being undocumented often means being at greater risk of coercion and abuse, and having fewer options for support, protection and safety.

We want systems that address the causes of vulnerability and that put people’s safety and right to support and remedy first, whether or not they choose to engage with law enforcement or other authorities.

More about Justice and Policing


Regularising people’s residence status means recognising them as a part of society, and addressing and preventing the harm they experience when undocumented.

We call for fair and effective regularisation measures that work for people.

More about Regularisation


Being a migrant worker in Europe often means being drastically underpaid, working in very poor conditions, and being exposed to harm. Work permits are few and often so restrictive that they make workers dependent on exploitative employers. Workers who try to stand up for their rights risk detention and deportation.

We call for decent labour migration pathways, and for systems that protect the rights of all workers

More about Work

Our members

Our member organisations work to advance the rights of undocumented migrants at the local, national or EU level.


Why words matter

The public discourse around irregular migration is often flawed and depicts undocumented people as a threat. We promote fair and humane language instead.

Words Matter
See our youtube channel

Video library

We brought together three pairs of friends and colleagues from Belgium, Spain and Switzerland. Each pair was composed of one person who lived undocumented and one who never did. We recorded their conversations as they told us about their past and how their relationship changed as the person who was undocumented finally got a residence permit.

Regularisation works, and it’s the right thing to do -

Video library

Regularising the status of people who live undocumented means recognising them as part of our societies, and improving their quality of life overall.

Regularisation: how residence papers help people and society - 02:09

Video library

Watch our videos and animations to learn about what it means to live undocumented, and how we can change things for the better.

Living undocumented in Europe - 02:44

Video library

Having no, or precarious, residence status often increases the risk of experiencing abuse or exploitation. At the same time, it means having fewer options to get support and protection.

What safety means for undocumented people - 03:41

Video library

For children with precarious residence status, turning 18 means losing the rights they held as children and often not having a secure residence permit. Without it, they won't be able to do things like studying, working or getting a driver's license. They might have to leave wherever they were living, and risk becoming homeless. It doesn't have to be like this. We can improve residence permits and develop new ones to prevent children from becoming undocumented adults. Children and young people should be also be prepared and supported through their transition into adulthood. These children are part of our societies. Let’s make their future safe.

A step into the void: the transition to adulthood of migrant children - 02:00

Video library

Despite the huge demand for workforce, it’s incredibly difficult to come and work regularly in Europe. Work permits are few, and those that exist too often leave migrant workers at the mercy of exploitative employers. We can change this. More and decent work permits mean that we can answer the huge demand for workforce and respect every person’s work.

Fair labour migration: why we need decent work permits in Europe - 01:53

Video library

What does it mean to work without documents? Monica, Fortunat, Myriam and Rabia tell us about the exploitation they experienced as undocumented workers in Europe, and the impossibility of denouncing their abusive employers.

A Worker is A Worker - 02:25

Video library

Children should only be returned when a fair procedure has found it is in the best interests. A best interests procedure for the identification of durable solutions for children in migration should be put in place by all countries.

To play alone - 01:57

Video library

While regular and safe routes of travel into Europe are not an option, migrants are left with no choice other than to pay smugglers and risk their lives to reach Europe.

Migration is not a Crime - 01:30

Recent publications

Read our publications to learn about how migration policies shape our societies and the lives of undocumented people, and how they can be improved.


Navigating disability and irregular status in Europe


Labour migration policies. Case study series: New Zealand

Young people

Stepping up: A collection of projects and practices helping migrant children transition into adulthood

Young people

Guidance for policy makers and practitioners on regularisation mechanisms for people transitioning into adulthood


Labour migration policies. Case study series: France

EU Migration Policies

PICUM Analysis: Asylum Procedure Regulation and Return Border Procedure Regulation