
06.03.25 Migrant smuggling: European Parliament’s study asks Commission to withdraw new proposal over human rights risks
04.03.25 Three years since the activation of the Temporary Protection Directive: from emergency to longer-term solutions
17.01.25 Migration policies, detention and return
17.01.25 Reporting obligations and ‘firewalls’
17.01.25 Non-refoulement in the context of the EU Pact on Migration and Asylum
17.01.25 Undocumented children
17.01.25 EU Pact on Migration and Asylum
12.12.24 Migrant smuggling: EU Council set to vote on text threatening people helping migrants
11.12.24 Regularisation and access to a secure residence status
10.12.24 Our collective vision for gender equality in the EU
26.11.24 Sweden unveils blueprint for obliging public sector workers to denounce undocumented migrants
20.11.24 New EU ban on forced labour products leaves out migrant workers